August FMCSA Roadcheck Blitz Information

August FMCSA Roadcheck Blitz Information

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) conducted its annual International Roadcheck through May 16-18, 2023. During the 72-hour event, CVSA-certified inspectors in Canada, Mexico, and the United States conducted inspections of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs)...
Inspection Blitz Schedule for 2023

Inspection Blitz Schedule for 2023

Every year, the CVSA (Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance) activates initiatives throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico aimed at improving highway safety by cracking down on safety violations in the commercial transportation industry. A “blitz” is...
Diesel Market Outlook

Diesel Market Outlook

​​Recent diesel market reports that the US currently has a 25-day supply of diesel fuel (the lowest level since 2008) have caused alarms for many people who work in the industry. But it may not be as bad as the media is making it seem. Consider the table below: As...